
Privacy In Gedit is a plugin for gedit written in Python.
Encode and decode a simple text to base64 for more user privacy.

Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/privacyingedit/


Now Pig has been defragmented in a diferents classes for programmer's life be easy.
The algorithm 'base64' is so famous for this reason i make the class 'Encrypt' for any programmer edit this class and make or use a distint algorithm.
Note: The programmer can add or remove any function to the class 'Encrypt' but he/she cant rename the functions 'encode' or 'decode'.

Install instructions:
1.- Download the files.
2.- Extract the files in a temporary folder.
3.- Execute in a terminal: './MakeUps.py'. The 'MakeUps.py' script gets a new user, a new password and return a string coded.
4.- Overwrite the file 'Pig/Ups/Ups' with the returned string. If not, the user is Mario and the password is Frescas.
5.- Move all files except 'MakeUps.py' to '/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/', but no to '.gnome2/gedit/plugins/' for the purpose of only the root can edit the user and the password.
3.- Then restart Gedit.
4.- And finally activate the plug-in, Enjoy =D

Some Screenshots:

Video How To: Install

Video How To: Use

Release Notes:
* First release.
* Second release.
- Identifies the strings in base64.
- Now dont remove the selected text Trying to decode the common text.
* Third release.
- Fixed bug: When the coded text contains the character '\n' does not decode the selected text.
* Four release.
- New icons on the toolbar.
- Code defragmented.
- Login dialog.
- Uses md5 algorithm for identifies the user and the password.